Sunday, September 17, 2006

Things Your Mama NEVER Told You!

Menopause, Breast Cancer, Depression, Fibroids and Sexual Abuse are just a few of the health-related issues middle-aged women find themselves facing, according to Baby Boomer Author and Expert, Beverly Mahone...that me!

Beginning the week of September 17, 2006, women from all walks of life with share their near death experiences and stories of survival against the odds with me on my internet radio program called Whatever! I wrote about my experiences of dealing with perimenopause, fibroids and depression in the book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age. I don't think my mom ever fully understood what was going on with her physically or mentally because back then menopause and its symptoms were as taboo as mental illness.

The first guest in the series is an Oregon woman who talks about the dark journey she ventured off into after going into full blown menopause at the age of 36. She also informs listeners on how she finally saw the light after several drug induced years.

The month-long health series is designed to inform and educate women on the symptoms and signs they should be on the lookout for in determining a health issue. But even more importantly, it's hopefully going to help men understand how to help and support the women they love.

Whatever! can be heard on or

Sponsors for the program are and Lisa's Delicious Diet Cookies. Additional sponsors are welcome by contacting me at

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