Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Time Flies in Boomer World

Today is Ringo Starr's birthday. The oldest of The Beatles turns 70. Hard to believe that the drummer of the young English rock group that took America by storm in the 60s is a member of the post boomer generation.

In my mind, The Beatles have never aged. I still see them as four handsome young musicians with the bowl-type haircuts playing for millions of screaming, adoring fans. I was seven years old when I sat glued to my TV set watching them on the Ed Sullivan Show.

Ringo's birthday is a reminder that I, too, am getting older.

They say time flies when you're having fun. I say time flies whether you're having fun or not. Ask Ringo.

By the way, what was your all-time favorite Beatles' song?

To learn more about what Ringo is doing on his birthday, click on the title of this blog post.


Jen said...

Gosh, do I feel old! Ringo's 70! My favorite Beatles tune was "Michelle". I could listen to that song a hundred times a day...

Eileen Williams said...

I guess Ringo's birthday wish says it all: Peace and Love, Peace and Love, Peace and Love. I don't care if these sentiments come from the sixties--they NEVER grow old. I hope he was able to blow out all of his candles--that's one wish I'd love to see come true!