The Harvey Weinstein scandal broke when an article by the New York Times in October detailed decades of sexual harassment allegations against him. Actress Rose McGowan was the first to come out publicly followed by Ashley Judd and a host of others. So, once again, I am supposed to be outraged and disgusted by the actions of these white, arrogant, privileged, dirty, old, white men. When the news of all of the settlements Fox News had made on behalf of Bill O'Reilly white women were up in arms raising all kinds of hell about his male privilege and why Fox News kept it quiet for so long. Now with the Weinstein scandal I am supposed to stand shoulder to shoulder with the victims and say "enough is enough." I get that and I am glad these women decided to come forward but I also wonder why the voices of minority women have never been heard in a similar situation.
Sexual harassment against women on the job has been going on for a VERY LONG time. This really isn't anything new. It's just that women now feel they have more of a voice to come out an publicly denounce the perpetrators using various media platforms, which are all very willing to "break the story."
But, like with everything else, there are always two sides to a story. There are women who actually use their sexuality to get to the top. You can be shocked and appalled to be reading this but it's the truth.
Now, don't get this twisted. I am not saying any of the female accusers did anything to aggravate whatever situation they found themselves in. Sexism, like racism, should never be tolerated in the workplace. But I can tell you, first-hand, that I do know of white women who used their "feminine wiles" to get a man's attention at work. I was there. I was a witness. This one particular young lady, fresh out of college, always wore provocative clothing in the newsroom and flaunted her best assets in our New Director's face every chance she got. And yes, she did get a promotion. The same goes with Weinstein who reportedly promised to advance their careers in return for sexual favors.
According to a Center for Work-Life study, conducted some years ago, 37 percent of the women questioned said the sexual affair they had resulted in a career boost. In a blog post written by Samantha Brick she said, "The truth is, I’d much rather work for a man than a woman. I’ve always dressed with the express intention to please and gratify my male bosses in the workplace. If I had a choice of how to spend my ideal lunch hour, it’s a no-brainer. Each and every time I’d choose to flirt over lunch with a male superior rather than engage in mindless gossip with the girls..."
So yes, there are women out here who intentionally turn on the sex appeal and they flirt with a goal in mind. As Samantha pointed out, "I learned very early on in my career how to clock within seconds who the important male was in any room and pandered to him accordingly. And it paid off."
So the Samantha's of the world have made it hard for those women who are truly trying to advance based on their own merit, talents and expertise. And as long as there are Samantha's on the job, there will be dirty, old, arrogant, white, privileged men abusing their power.
So that brings us back to Harvey Weinstein, who comes from that dirty, old, arrogant, white male privilege fraternity. So now he's lost ALL of his Hollywood privileges, while he claims to seek help for his "sickness." But is he really gone? That remains to be seen.
I am reminded of Anita Hill and what she was subjected to by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Humiliating, degrading and broadcast on prime time TV for the world to see. What did she get out of it? Perhaps, a chance to let everyone know who this man was that Congress was so gung ho about. What did he get? A lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. Oh, but wait a minute. She was a black woman and Thomas was supported by the dirty, old, arrogant, white privileged men of the republican party.