Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Whatever! happened to David Hartman?

He’s alive and well right here in Durham, NC! I ran into him and his wife this morning while getting my daily workout in at the Duke University cross country trail.

I was just starting my 2.8 mile trek and it looked as though they were finishing up. I immediately recognized Hartman even though he had on sunglasses. Some faces you just never forget and his was one I watched for many years when he was the co-host of Good Morning America.

He looked great and he was so charming! He was even gracious enough to stop and chat with me for a few moments. Of course I just had to tell him about my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer’s Journey Into Middle Age. He smiled as he told me he was beyond the baby boomer generation. He may be 72 but he doesn't look a day over 50! That’s when I turned my attention to his baby boomer wife and told her she would absolutely love my book. I wanted to give them a copy but I didn’t have any in the car.

Let this be a lesson to all authors: Carry your books EVERYWHERE YOU GO.

Hartman said he and he wife walked the trail often so I was bound to see them again. And you know I’ll be looking out.

This is what I am calling a “Thank God for menopause moment!” because menopause and its annoying symptoms have forced me to be much more conscientious of my physical health and that’s why I go to the trail and that’s how I was able to run into David Hartman.


Carine-what's cooking? said...

how neat! I always wondered what became of him. thanks for the update

Carine-what's cooking? said...

how neat! I always wondered what became of him. thanks for the update