This post is necessary because of an experience I had earlier this week with the general public in Durham, NC. I have to say this was the one time when I was never more angry to be a part of this community. The term "Southern Hospitality" has become a joke because I certain haven't been able to find any here lately. OK, let me cut to the chase.
On Monday I was on my way to pick up my daughter when, for some unknown reason, my husband's 2004 navy blue Sebring with Maryland tags just shut off while I was stopped at the traffic light at the interesection of Lynn Road and US 70. I was attempting to turn right at the time. My car woes created somewhat of a traffic tie up but guess what? The police drove by---a sheriff's deputy drove by and several other cars and NO ONE stopped. Instead, they chose to drive around my car, with my flashers on and infant grandchild in the car, and continue on to their destinations. It didn't matter that I was stopped in the dead of the hot sun with no shade in sight. A couple of people had the nerve to wave as they were trying to maneuve around me. Some even had disgusted looks on their faces as if I intentionally created the traffic jam.
I thought that was as good a time as any to have a little talk with God. I wanted to know why no one was stopping to help me because I always seem to go out of my way to help others when I see them broken down on the side of the road. My daughter cringes every time I do it but I try to explain the good feeling I get when I help someone else.
More than 50 cars and trucks passed by and in my frustration I decided to write down the license plates. Chances are the owners of these vehicles won't read this blog because they're too busy trying to get to one destination or another or they probably don't even know what their license plate number is. Do you?
So if you read and recognize the license plate number, let them know they've been formally inducted into this Baby Boomer Diva's Web of SHAME:
SRD 8957; WTJ 8555; RVD 8673; WSJ2871; HRX 7089; RPJ 5963; LRE 8059; MNR 5609; HSS 6797; DEAD-I-2; RTT 5164; SWT 9042; TZC 6286; VXX 5562; VSS 9177; WSJ 2672; HTC 7839; VWV 8834; VSY 9234; RWF 3326; RVD 8673; VTD 5017; LSL 7886; 3XSA209 (CA plates); RTT 5164; TZN 9903; TZC 3906; MWE 6523; CVD 1669; TPA 2531; HEDWELLS; PBE & COE; WNA 8032; PNR 4765; VRJ 7709; SWT 9141; KXX 6925; WPR 6015; LPK 9798; LRE 9995; VPH 5512; VZZ 35; SWT 9141; JTA 5786; VWJ 2169; WSY 7307; LSL 7886; VZZ 3557; VX7757; WPR 1410; WSJ 3725; WSJ 4620; WPV 5677; SURVIVOR 5; VRT 6725; VZY 8570; SZH 6882; WPB 8466; VSS 5415; SWT 8206; JWF 4290; VRW 3745; VPC 5159; VSS 6954; WXB 1842; VRX 1470; VSS 7669
Now, I must also tell you that God did answer me. He sent an unidentified woman in a red camaro who volunteered to go pick up my daughter; He sent a passenger who was riding in a White Ford Taurus---license plate # TXN 8963---to singlehandedly push my car to the side of the road---and finally, He sent a tow truck.
One of the things my daughter said is, "It's hard to be nice to others when you see how they treat you in times of your own distress." And sometimes we wonder why young people behave the way they do.
oh Bev, I feel for you. I remember something similar happening to me when my kids were 2 & 4 and they were in the car! Thing just died. No one helped (pre cel phone days)and there we sat, w/ dirty looks and gestures until a very nice policeman came to my rescue.
Wow! That's sad. I'm trying to think of all the excuses for people driving by, but they all are lame.
How about writing a letter to the editor with all the plate numbers?
To: goinglikesixty
My neighbor said the drivers just assumed I had a cell phone so that would be an explanation. Yes, I do have a cell phone but since I was only going three blocks I didn't think I needed it. But thinking I had a cell phone is still sad because not everyone has one.
I can't agree with your opinion there. I once stopped to help a lady who was stuck......and while my son and I helped her, replace tire, etc....I left minus my purse and leather jacket.Didn't realize it till I was miles away.
No thanks.....I'll pass.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Unfortunately not everyone is on the up and up---which obviously gives a bad name to those of us who seriously need the help. Maybe all of those people who passed me by had been scammed also by a motorist.
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