Monday, November 23, 2009

Spending Your Life in Tears for One Reason or Another

Did you know women spend one year and four months of their lives in tears. According to a recent survey researchers found that from birth to the age of 78, a woman will be find herself crying for at least 12,013 hours.

Here are some reasons baby boomer women might cry:

weight gain
cheating husband
adult children who return home how many times did you cry today?

Do you cry when you look in the mirror? Another survey indicates women are constantly concerned by their appearance and worries about aging. Woman worry about their bodies 252 times a week on an average. One hundred women aged 35 to 69 were given clickers in an experiment to register each time they worried about the ageing process.

Over seven days, the average number of clicks was 252.

The survey showed that on average women had negative thoughts 36 times a day.

One woman, who had a facelift ten years ago, clicked 1,400 times over seven days but admitted she thought it would be more. In her waking hours, she said she experienced a negative thought about herself approximately every three minutes.

So how many negative thoughts went through your head while reading this?


Vicki M. Taylor said...

I am saddened by this article and don't know if I want to cry or not!

The last few days I've cried about it being the holidays and not sharing it with my family. I've cried hearing my grandbabies' voices. I've cried knowing my aunt is in the hospital with pneumonia. And, most of all, I've cried reading the news and knowing there's nothing I can do about it.

I've gotten to the point where I won't even read the newspaper, it's so bad.

But, I must follow the advice of a good friend. For every negative, find a positive.

I can be thankful for my husband for pulling out the Christmas decorations and helping to decorate!

Martha Jette said...

Hi Beverly:
I learned about you from the Ryze Networking group, Her Mastermind Network and more specifically from Heidi Richards.
First of all, yes, I have cried a bucket of tears at least over the course of my life and still do at times. I think it has more to do with a female's more sensitive nature when dealing with people and situations. We take things much more to heart than our male counterparts.

Also, I own and operate a site called Boomers Write ( which I designed specifically for writers over 50 to keep them active, writing and mentally sharp. Drop by and take a look when you get a chance and please do share some of your stories.

I'd also like to create a link exchange with you, so we could both benefit. If you'd like to do that, please contact me at:

All the Best,
Martha Jette

Beverly said...


Your friend has given you some great advice--for every negative, there IS a positive. Sometimes you have to look a little harder to find it but its there. Also, know that you are blessed to be able to hear your grandbabies voices. What about those folks who have lost their hearing or will never know what its like to have a grandchild. When you really site down and think about it, there's much to cry about--tears of JOY!

Kathie Thomas said...

Boy, how many grey hairs are generated through all that worry? What a waste of energy and time. And yes, I do worry about things but not generally my age, weight, looks or anything like that. More about family members, safety, and one daughter in particular who struggles with almost anything in her life.

Eileen Williams said...

That's a sad commentary on the state of older women today. However, I'm not so sure I buy it. Most of the women I know are extremely happy and fulfilled at this age. Even though we see the wrinkles multiplying and the pounds adhering to our waists, most of us wouldn't trade our menopausal zest for the most nubile and youthful of bodies.
Growing older can bring some hard lessons, but a few age related blemishes aren't worth all that worry!

Vannie Ryanes said...

I am a cryer and always have been. As a child if something happened early during the day, I would save my tears for my mother. Through the years I have cried many tears for all sorts of reasons, happy, sad and just because...

These days most of my tears come when I watch the news. Sometimes tears come so hard I can't believe it. They are the worse and because there is nothing I can do about war, killings, so much anger, etc. I cry harder. But, I try to stay positive and remember the good things and good people.